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Factory of the Future Pilot Program Success

Factory of the Future Pilot Program Success!

Launch Pad and the School of Education are partnering to develop the brand-new Factory of the Future, along with a world-leading STEM education program that will be critical for the development of the future workforce in areas such as advanced manufacturing.

In addition to supporting local industry collaboration and transformation, the space will also operate as a Technology & Innovation Discovery Centre for primary and high school children, In order to test these ideas, we undertook a pilot program in early December this year!

In order to save the people on Mars, students had to solve a series of maths questions to calcuate the fuel and oxygen their rocket would require. They also used augmented reality to further understand what materials would best for the manufacturing process. Students were engaged throughout the entirety of the day, showing high enthusiasm to be learning new skills, and being able to interact and play with such advanced and fascinating technology. 

By the end of the day, the students had all built their own rocket, and were able to receive a certificate to verify they were official Launch Pad rocket engineers!

Launch Pad’s Factory of the Future at the new Bankstown City Campus will open in 2023 and we cannot wait to host more schools, as we believe that engaging schools in factory of the future will be a great opportunity to build a future STEM workforce for Western Sydney!